Pump it!


When one thinks about the “typical triathlete” we often think of a man or woman with very little body fat, bulging veins and a muscular yet at the same time thin body type.  If this is your definition of the typical triathlete body type, the nimble doctor does not fit in.  During the off season, it appears that the nimble doctor may have spent too much time doing “research” on his restaurant reviews (see Change Your Evil Ways), and not enough time on or in the gym/track/pool/trainer/trails.  Brushing my teeth in the morning, I now ask myself, “Where did these love handles come from?” and “I wonder what it would be like to have six pack?” and finally “All this hair on my chest can’t be very aero.”  Sorry, I’m getting off topic…we’ll talk aero and shaving another time.  It is important to realize that there is no typical triathlete body and that we are all unique.  With this in mind, optimizing our bodies through weight training, cardiovascular training, flexibility  and nutrition, we can improve our health and performance for race day.  I have partnered up with an old friend of mine at Ryan Vivar Fitness, to work on a focused strength training program, having me peak at Ironman Arizona in November.  Weight training seems to be an area that is often overlooked, especially after the off season, and is typically replaced by a focus on endurance exercise.  The truth is that the disciplines are complementary and I hope to optimize the strength component more than I have in previous years.  Short of putting up those ubiquitous before (Dec 31st photos) and periodic after photos of my progress , I will be providing updates of my work with Ryan Vivar and some of the unique things we might be doing in his downtown studio.  If there is enough demand (by making a comment below) I will swallow my pride and put up before and hopefully better after photos along the way.   Stay tuned.

Categories: Training

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