How’s the Toe?
- By admin
- May 5, 2014
- No Comments
Second only to my interview with Emily Sutton, my toe injury has been my most popular post to date. Okay, I haven’t had all that many posts, and I’d hate to somehow compare Emily to my broken toe, but Nimble readers seem interested in both. Remember that big ol’ thing (not Emily!* My toe!!!). It seemed to have its own area code. Let this lovely picture refresh your memories.
During that time I heard it all. Hey Nimble, do you have gout? Hey Nimble, Fred Flintstone called, he wants his toe back. Nimble, is that a toe or one of those purple organic potatoes? What’s up with the tuft of hair on your Barney toe? All of a sudden everyone was a comedian…at my expense!
Fast forward the healing process 6 weeks, and this is what my toe looked like…a few weeks ago after a 10 mile OKC Memorial Marathon training run at 36 degrees. You gotta test it somehow, right!?
And passed the test it did, and it continues to hold up very well. Shout out to the Orthopedic Surgeons at Tinker AFB, 78th Medical Group! The healing process continues as does the training. The toe injury may have been an unintended blessing, since I have now spent more time sharing the swimming lanes with the Golden Girls at the local YMCA than I ever would have imagined.
To find out more about how my famous phalange is holding up look out for my upcoming race reports from the Guthrie Super Sprint Duathlon (way overdue) and the OKC Memorial Marathon.
*Oh, one more shout out to my Go Mitch Go teammates Emily Sutton and Scott Hines. The only thing “Big” about Emily and Scott are their hearts and their smiles.
If you live in OKC, remember to support the entire Go Mitch Go team by picking up a Muscle Westbrook smoothie or a Go Green juice at Organic Squeeze in Nichols Hills Plaza. $2 from the sale of each beverage helps us in our battle in defeating leukemia and lymphoma. The Nimble Doctor encourages you to drink up!

Drink this. Support us 🙂
Thanks for following along and until next time. Please don’t forget to check out my donation page and remember what this journey is all about.
The Nimble Doctor
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