Emily Sutton: The Iron Storm Chaser
- By admin
- February 23, 2014
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I want to welcome you the first installment of the Go Mitch Go Team Oklahoma triathlete profile. The nimble doctor is excited to bring you these profiles, introducing you to an amazing group of individuals I am honored to call my teammates. Not only are these people incredibly gifted athletes that I will struggle to keep up with, but they are true salt of the earth types who make a routine out of pushing the bell curve to the extreme right.
I recently met up with KFOR meteorologist and celebrity storm chaser Emily Sutton at local hot spot Cuppies and Joe. We’d both like the thank Cuppies and Joe for hosting us and generously supporting Team Oklahoma! Without further adieu, let begin our profile.
Nimble: Thanks Emily for taking time this morning to sit down with us for some coffee and conversation.
Emily: It’s my pleasure, and thanks for the coffee. I’ll get us some cupcakes when a fresh batch comes out of the oven.
Nimble: Deal! Okay, so now tell us how you got started in the wacky world of triathlon?
Emily: The long answer?
Nimble: Uhh, sure.
Emily: Before coming to OKC, my previous television job was in Appalachia, which introduced me to among other things biscuits n’ gravy, fried okra and sweet tea. It also introduced me to 20 extra pounds that I didn’t need. I knew I needed to make a change, and after doing the gym routine I started looking for a new way to challenge myself. In 2011 I reached out to Team in Training (Lymphoma and Leukemia Society) to help me prepare for my first half iron distance triathlon. I was already a pretty good swimmer, and just figured the other events would sort themselves out. Training was difficult, and the fact we were having the hottest summer on record didn’t make things any easier. When we finally reached the end of the summer it was all worth it. Crossing that finish line was the best feeling ever! I was crying and smiling at the same time. I had so much emotion and it was just such an amazing feeling, just a sense of accomplishment. I loved it! The sensation was addicting, but I swore I would never do it again.
Nimble: But you’re here with me, doing this interview about triathlon? Did you break your promise?
Emily: Like I said, it’s addicting, and there are a lot of enablers out there. The following year I was asked to sing the National Anthem (that’s something she does) before the race and they offered me a free entry for doing it.
Nimble: So you did break your promise.
Emily: Technically no, because I didn’t do a triathlon, I did a full distance aqua bike (2.4 mile swim and 112 mile bike ride), so 2/3 of a triathlon.
Nimble: Got it. Did you have any specific connection to lymphoma or leukemia?
Emily: Shortly after completing the half iron man in 2011 I discovered that my aunt, who lives in Arizona, was diagnosed with leukemia. I felt this was God’s acknowledgment that what I was doing was the right thing, and that my aspiration to complete a full distance iron man race for the cause of leukemia and lymphoma research was supposed to happen.
Nimble: How did this then evolve into Team Oklahoma?
Emily: I knew that I couldn’t train on my own, and that there is strength in numbers. I tried recruiting everyone at work with no takers, then out of nowhere comes fundraiser extraordinaire Scott Hines (KFOR’s consumer investigative reporter and all-around nice guy) to join my cause.
Nimble: Was Scott involved in any of your previous training?
Emily: Oh no! I’m actually not sure he’s aware of what he’s getting into from a training standpoint with respect to Ironman.
Nimble: Yikes for him! Well, if he reads my blog, he’ll know that we’re concerned. But I have faith in you Scott!

Team Oklahoma Version 1.0
Emily: I have faith in him too. And I think it was also a confirmation from God, that when we put a call out to Oklahomans to join our journey of Ironman Arizona, the response was incredible. A natural partnership also emerged with the Go Mitch Go foundation to honor the special memory of Mitchell Whitaker, an Oklahoma native who lost his fight against leukemia at age 10, but left us all with the will to keep fighting. To date we now have 15 members of Team Oklahoma ready to present Sooner State in Arizona.
Nimble: Love it! ‘Homa will be well represented in AZ. Switching gears (intended cycling pun), triathletes have some strange customs including naming their bikes. Have you done this?
Emily: I name everything. My car’s name is Truman. My black and white Cannondale road bike is named Michael Jackson (to clarify, because of the song title “Black or White”). And my Fuji tri-bike (technically on long term loan from ProBike) is named Clark Kent during training and Superman during race day.
Nimble: What is your favorite song to sing to yourself during the hardest parts of your work out or race?
Emily: Great question! Hmmm…I have a few. In running my go to is Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” and “One Moment in Time”. Another favorite is Alicia Key’s “Superwoman.”
Nimble: Are you originally from Oklahoma?
Emily: I was born and raised in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Then I moved to Columbia, MO to attend college at Mizzou. After that I lived in Bristol, TN before my life brought me to OKC.

Tornados, no problem…Mud, we got issues!
Nimble: Have you ever driven the uber storm chasing vehicle Dominator 4?
Emily: No, but I’ve been in it, and we got stuck in the mud. I was promised to a chance to drive it this summer.
Nimble: What is you dream vacation spot?
Emily: I was at a recent appointment, and saw an ad for Bora Bora. That’s it, especially after Ironman.
Nimble: What is your favorite place to grab a meal in OKC?
Emily: Saii Asian Bistro, because I love sushi. The Mule and Empire Slice are also great comfort food choices in the Plaza. Oh, and Signature Grill in Edmond also has to be at the very top of my list.
Nimble: For which OKC Thunder player do you cheer the loudest?
Emily: Although I’m not alone in this answer, it has to be Kevin Durant. He seems very genuine, true to himself and is a good Christian. He’s also a great ambassador for Oklahoma City in addition to being a great player.
Nimble: Let’s head into our final transition (bad triathlon pun alert) to our toss up questions. No elaboration need from you unless you feel obligated. Cool?
Emily: Let’s do it!
Nimble: Working Mornings (4AM) or Evenings at Nights (6 and 10)?
Emily: I love mornings, but I’m a night owl by nature.
Nimble: Cat lover or Dog person?
Emily: Dogs, I’m allergic to cats.
Nimble: TuPac or Notorious Big?
Emily: Biggie Smalls!
Nimble: Beer or Wine?

“Very Anderson Cooper!” -In Your Corner Viewer
Emily: Both! Tie!
Nimble: Coffee or Tea?
Emily: Coffee…especially at Cuppies and Joe!
Nimble: Swim, bike or run?
Emily: Love the swim. Like the bike. Do the run.
Nimble: Sooners or Cowboys?
Emily: Umm, Thunder!
Nimble: “In Your Corner” or “Pay it Forward”
Emily: “In Your Corner” because that’s my boy Scott’s gig.
Nimble: Last question. What makes you smile?
Emily: That’s a great last question? Surprises make me smile…good surprises. Oh, also extreme weather, like tornados on the open plain (that present no harm to people or animals).
Nimble: Well thank you again Emily for your time and letting our readers get to know you a little better. Is there anything else that you would like folks to know?
Emily: This was fun. I want to invite everyone in the OKC area to our Team Oklahoma Launch Party and Mardi Gras Mixer, Sunday, March 2nd, from 2-5 PM and Tapwerks in Bricktown. Come meet the Team Oklahoma members, have some food, drinks, live music and chances to win several awesome prizes.
Thanks for following along and until next time. Please don’t forget to check out my donation page and remember what this journey is all about.
The Nimble Doctor
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