Upside Nimble

Nimble has crooked nose!

Nimble has a crooked nose!

As in life, training for a triathlon can have you feeling upside down sometimes.  Not enough time, not enough sleep, not enough energy…well this can happen, even to Nimble!  So what’s the answer?  Umm, okay, so I guess all of a sudden this an advice blog (I hate those).  But let me give it a shot.

Nimble Advice:   It’s not always easy, but when presented with an unexpected “upside down” challenge, accept what cannot be changed, and then seek opportunity in the midst of obstacle.

Pretty deep?  Pretty lame?  Pretty awesome?  Yes to all!

Now allow me to put this into practice by sharing my upside down moment from the Nimble video vault.  While testing a sports camera for an upcoming gear review, I assumed a total fail when I noticed the camera precariously hanging upside down from the handle bars pointing straight at my crotch.  What a cheap mount!  I had a chance to review the video, and it turns out that the cheap mount provided the most interesting bit of footage from my whole ride.  You see, my perceived failure ultimately yielded the inspiration for this blog post and my Nimble Advice!


Check Nimble out…Fails = Opportunities

Thanks for following along and until next time.   Please don’t forget to check out my donation page and remember what this journey is all about.

The Nimble Doctor

Categories: Training

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