About Doctor Dan

CDR Daniel Molina

I am a Medical Officer proud to be providing health care services to the Native American community of Oklahoma City in my role as a board certified Family Medicine Physician.  I currently serve as the Medical Director for the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic, a facility dedicated to providing excellent health care to American Indians and the vision to be the national model for American Indian healthcare.  Promoting a healthy lifestyle is an essential component of my calling as a physician and duty to my patients.  Like many professions, medicine is an art requiring years to master and an ongoing desire to improve in your craft as the field evolves.  I feel these to be the same reasons that I am drawn to the world triathlon and creating this blog.  If I can inspire my friends, family and patients to get healthier and to get better every day, I will have achieved my goal to make a difference.  Equally important to me, is accomplishing all of this with a smile, utilizing humor (typically at my own expense) to deliver a message.

A significant theme in my life has been, “Dreamers who do, can!”  Yes, I agree this sounds incredibly cheesy, but I’ll own it.  I don’t know that I was ever meant to be a physician, a triathlete or even a blogger for that matter.   I owe a lot of who I am to immigrant parents from rural Mexico who lacked any formal (elementary or otherwise) education, but were dreamers who did.  I have a supporting wife who has been with me since our freshman days at the University of New Mexico, and doesn’t laugh (too hard) when I run my races in sandals.  This special lady encouraged me to learn to swim at age 36, and still lets me get in my Friday night swim before we have date night.  Finally, I owe much to my Native American patients who allow me to fulfill my calling and who I hope to inspire to become healthy and dream.

Power to the dreamers who do!


*The views and opinions expressed on nimbledoctor.com are those of Daniel Molina and do not represent those of any employer, partnership, organization, or government agency with which I may have an affiliation.



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