Becoming IronDan

RefuelHello and welcome to!  Introductions are in order, and for those who may not already know me, my name is Dr. Daniel Molina.  My day job keeps me pretty busy these days caring for my patients and serving as the medical director at the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic (OKCIC), but I can always be counted on to find time for nice folks and a great cause.  Last November I was approached with an incredible opportunity to support the cause of leukemia and lymphoma research and help increase the visibility of OKCIC by participating in Ironman Arizona 2014.

Over the years, I have been personally been touched and involved in the care of several of my OKCIC patients who have fought bravely against and suffered terribly from blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma.  The warrior spirit is alive and well in the Native American community, and I have seen it at its strongest in these patients.  Recently I was introduced to the story of a young boy from Oklahoma City who shared this same warrior spirit, his name, Mitchell Whitaker.  Mitchell excelled in sports and in the classroom, and from all accounts was just a great kid.  Sadly this young warrior passed away from complications associated with his leukemia in 2007 at the age of 10.

In 2009 the Go Mitch Go Foundation was formed to honor the legacy of Mitchell Whitaker, with the ultimate goal of finding a cure for leukemia and lymphoma.  Since its inception the foundation has raised nearly one million dollars for vital medical research.  In 2014 a select group of 13 Oklahomans, including OKCIC’s Family Medicine Physician Dr. Molina, and Oklahoma City media celebrities, Meteorologist Emily Sutton, and “KFOR in Your Corner’s” Scott Hines, hope to raise $200,000 for the cause.  This Okie triathlon team will be participating in the 140.6 mile (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, 26.2 mile run) Ironman Arizona race on November 16, 2014, in an effort to raise this money and awareness for The Go Mitch Go Foundation.  The sweat, pain and tears needed to finish an Ironman race are a fitting tribute to the warriors fighting a much tougher battle to conquer leukemia and lymphoma.

I have set a personal goal to raise $13,000 on my own.  Putting out a number that large is pretty scary, but so is covering 140.6 miles in one day.  With this event I am challenging myself in a way I would have never imagined.  To be honest, I’m pretty scared about the whole thing (and that’s just between you and me), but it’s a risk worth taking.  I humbly ask for your donation, along with your prayers, well wishes and words of encouragement, as WE embark on this incredible journey.

Thank you for your generosity!       Make Donation.

Go Mitch Go!  Go OKCIC!

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